Hey Beauties!
Please trust that I have been taking pictures with the full intention of posting them to the blog with awesome reviews and recommendations but I have been busy with school and work and that takes priority over everything, SORRY! But I will start to make time to devote solely to blogging, I just need to figure out when that time will be, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I need some serious help from you all and all suggestions are welcome! I'm a protective style fiend and I'm always looking for the next style but for some reason I am stumped on what to do next, I know I want braids of some variation but I'm not sure what style, there's just so many options! LOL Below I'll include some pictures of ideas I have in mind but you are also free to tell me of some other styles that you may have tried and how you liked them. Please keep in mind I live in South Florida and I am sensitive to heat and my hair....I am the type to take my hair out if I feel like it's too hot after a few days...yeah.
So go ahead, help ya girl out, I'd appreciate it! Oh, and those big poetic justice braids are out of the question, I did those this past summer and my edges did not appreciate the heaviness of each braid. All images provided by Google.

Please trust that I have been taking pictures with the full intention of posting them to the blog with awesome reviews and recommendations but I have been busy with school and work and that takes priority over everything, SORRY! But I will start to make time to devote solely to blogging, I just need to figure out when that time will be, so stay tuned!
In the meantime, I need some serious help from you all and all suggestions are welcome! I'm a protective style fiend and I'm always looking for the next style but for some reason I am stumped on what to do next, I know I want braids of some variation but I'm not sure what style, there's just so many options! LOL Below I'll include some pictures of ideas I have in mind but you are also free to tell me of some other styles that you may have tried and how you liked them. Please keep in mind I live in South Florida and I am sensitive to heat and my hair....
So go ahead, help ya girl out, I'd appreciate it! Oh, and those big poetic justice braids are out of the question, I did those this past summer and my edges did not appreciate the heaviness of each braid. All images provided by Google.